Went to Shibuya today. It was crazy. I'll get more pics another time. It's a major party spot. I'll have to check it out at night sometime. Lots of bars and clubs. The top pic is that famous intersection right outside Shibuya Station. Notice the vertical signs in the third pic. That's for stores not on street level. Everything is so compact. Bottom pic is just a small food place. There places like this all over. Usually seat around ten people. I just liked the statues in front of this one.
The flood of people reminds me of 7th Ave on Matinee Day. BTW, Jose Gonzalez at the Stone Pony on Monday........also, one burning question, do they have beds long enough for you?
I can't believe I'm going to miss Jose!!!! You should definitely go if you're able. My bed is just fine. I don't feel tall here. There are plenty of Japanese people that are around my height. I do have to duck to get onto trains and in and out of my apt. I can't believe I going to miss Jose!
How do you like it there? Are you comfortable there-meaning could you see yourself living there? I've heard it is very beautiful in Japan. What's the landscape like? What can you compare it to here. I bought a Les Paul Guitar Rock out with.
It's awesome here. Sure I could live here. However I'd have to learn how to speak Japanese first. Most of the scenery I've seen is just a twisted jumble of buildings. Every little space is used for something. It's very cool.
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